Posted by: Kathy | March 16, 2016

Two Days Off

Life keeps me busy and most of the time it’s a good thing. As I’ve written before, just because I don’t write doesn’t mean I don’t miss my mom or still wish she were here with her family. I said to my son the other day something like “before Grandmom died, when my life made sense.” Sometimes things just don’t make sense and that’s when I miss my mom the most. I need to talk to her and I do. I just wish I could hear a response. And I always think about how life would be if she were still here with us.

Last week I took 2 days off from work. On Thursday, I went to visit my cousin to celebrate his 103rd birthday. Yes, you read that right. Longevity runs in our family. Technically, John is my first cousin, twice removed. In 1965, John married my parents. He gave the before dinner toasts at both my weddings. And he officiated my grandfather’s funeral. John is an amazing man – his body may be aging, but his mind is still sharp. I lost touch with John after I married my husband in 2002. Last year during my genealogy research frenzy, I realized John was still alive. We got in touch again and I’ve gone to visit him several times over the past year. He is truly an inspiration to me.

The get together for John’s birthday was an open house. I arranged to meet another cousin (still haven’t figured out our exact connection) at this open house. We’ve emailed and talked on the phone, but I met him in person for the first time last Thursday. We went out to lunch and spent hours talking about family history. This is the side of the family connected with the castle in Scotland that I mentioned in a post on ancestry. I needed a day out, a day away from my house (I work from home), a day away from NJ. I felt rejuvenated when I got home.

On Friday I ran errands and cleaned, still feeling the “high” and peacefulness from the day before. My daughter has always had long hair. She’s been growing it since she was little. The words hair cut were banned from her vocabulary – she’d only get her hair trimmed. Well all that changed on Friday afternoon when my daughter got many inches taken off her hair. When I reminded her that she wouldn’t let me get my hair cut or colored because we were twins, she told my that she was her own person now. They grow up so fast.

Nikki - hair cut_3-11-16



  1. You put so many good this in this short post. My mom has been gone for what will be 20yrs in July. I don’t miss her any less. I might miss her more right now as I am preparing to get married and have children of my own.

    The first thing I did after my mother died was cut my hair! It just felt like the thing to do. I have cut it and grown it back several times since then but that was grief driven.

    I think your daughter is beautiful and I appreciate you sharing your heart.

    • Thanks Lynette. You still miss them, no matter how much time has passed. I find events, special moments, bring out the feeling of loss. But you will get through this. I wish you the best. Take care.

  2. Your cousin sounds an amazing person, I hope when I become an elderly my mind will be still working fine
    Little girls nowadays hate to cut their hair they like to keep it long, and I tend to agree with them they look absolutely beautiful in it. When I was a kid, I used to hate when my mom cut my hair short, I think that’s why now I keep it long

    • My cousin is amazing. I feel bad – I haven’t seen him or talked to his family since his birthday. So much has happened. My husband had unexpected triple bypass surgery on 3/24. Everything has been kind of a whirlwind since then.

      I am surprised my daughter cut her hair, but she likes it and I think it’s cute. My mom always kept my hair short and now it’s long. I won’t be cutting my hair anytime soon. Thanks for commenting. Sorry it took me so long to reply 🙂

  3. Awe! Sending her God’s Blessing Kathy!

    • Thanks Sam 😊

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